Rent a cargo bike in Paris Urban Arrow Family BAKFIETS GAZELLE MAKKI Riese MUller LOAD 75
Rent electric front loader cargo bikes
Basic is included in the rental package delivery in Paris (in the beginning of the contract) if the reservation, deposit and payment are finalized one week before the start of the rental.
Last minute rental possible within the limits of availability; it is advisable to anticipate your rental project as much as possible.
3 models suitable for adults:
. BAKFIETS Classic long steps (wooden tray). URBAN ARROW Family (black tray). GAZELLE Makki (grey tray)
Minimum size of cyclist according to our advice:
. BAKFIETS Classic 1.60m
. URBAN ARROW Family 1.60m
. GAZELLE Makki (Grey Bin) 1.68m
Special features:
. BAKFIETS Easy cargo for a first experience in Biporteur.
Weight: about 47 kg.
Shimano STEPS 60nm motor
Shimano 418 Wh battery – average range 30 to 40km
CHEST DIMENSIONS W 102 cm (top) / 72 cm (bottom) x l’62 cm (back) / 51 cm (front) x H 52 cm (back) / 36.5 cm (front)
CARRIER DIMENSIONS W 253 cm x 63 cm x H 110 cm
Very wide stand provides great stability when stationary; children can climb into the crate without risking tipping the bike.
. URBAN ARROW Family Exceptional choice with powerful engine.
Weight: about 55Kg (with bag, lock, tent, 2nd bench)
Bosch 75Nm motor
Shimano 500 Wh battery – Average range 38 to 50km
CHEST DIMENSIONS W 110 cm x 69 cm x H 60 cm
DIMENSIONS OF THE CARRIER W 260 cm x 70 cm x H 110 cm
. GAZELLE Makki load Cargo comfortable with its suspended fork, innovative bike with stand that is easily maneuverable. Low level to easily exit the bin. Nothing easier thanks to the recesses on each side. Up is just as easy.
Weight: about 60Kg (with bag, anti-theft, tent, 2nd bench)
Bosch 65Nm motor
Shimano 500 Wh battery – Average range 38 to 50km
Biporteur dimension Length: 2642 mm, height: 1218 mm, width: 764 mm
Battery life:
This can vary between 20 and 70 kilometres. This largely depends on the total weight of the bike with its load, the number of kilometres travelled by the cyclist and his riding style. The terrain you ride on also has an influence, think about traffic in the city and whether or not you have to climb many hills. You can increase the range by driving with hard tires and using a small gear ratio.
Maximum weight in the container as per our advice:
80 kg
Do not hesitate to embark on the adventure, let you introduce yourself to the practice of cargo bike with cococharge. How to use it, how to attach it, tips for your first contact with this mode of transport goes well.
Availability to respond to your requests and make deliveries or make available:
Monday to Thursday from 6 pm to 8 pm
Friday to Sunday 9am to 8pm
Provision and delivery:
. At the beginning of the contract (if early rental 1 week) free shipping in Paris, initiation to cycling,…
. Except delivery, provision and return Porte de Vanves Paris 14.
. Cost delivery 1 bike 3.6€/km from 8h-20h from PARIS 14 7.2€ night & Sunday
Do not hesitate to contact me in order to prepare together your project « Rental cargo bike »
Good to you,